Lenten Reflections
By Kelly Geraghty ’25
Lent has always been a very beautiful and reflective time for me. I have always loved the opportunity to take the time out of the year and really just reflect on myself and how my life looks. I think it's so beautiful that God gives us 40 days before his resurrection to really take a step back and meditate on what it is Jesus did for us. I am so lucky to be spending my second Lenten season at St A’s.
Something that stuck me from these readings would be the Psalm. “Even though I walk in the dark valley I fear no evil; for you are at my side.” I think this psalm is so human. It does not tell us what to do, what to believe, or how to live. It simply rearms that we are going to have struggles and we shouldn’t be shocked or fearful. Life can be full of darkness sometimes, but our faith will get us through, because Jesus teaches us that he will never leave us.
I would be lying if I didn't say that today's gospel is one of my favorite gospels ever. There is a woman who is brought to where Jesus is teaching. The men who brought her there claim she needs to be stoned according to the law of Moses. These men think they are going to be able to trick Jesus, because if they say she should be stoned, then he believes in stoning, but if he says she shouldn't be stoned, then he is disobeying the law of Moses. Jesus responds with the most profound answer. “Let the one among you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone at her.” There is utter silence, and Jesus approaches the woman. “Neither do I condemn you. Go, and from now on do not sin any more.” I think that this passage speaks for itself in the way that Jesus always has the answer, but always the answer that loves first. He is aware that nobody is perfect. This woman had done adulterous and sinful things, but everyone does. We have to love first. It highlights what we as Christians need to do. We need not to view people by their faults, but how God views us.
Let us all make that our prayer this Lenten season. God Bless!