Lenten Reflections
By Ben Mickens ’23
In the reading from the Gospel of Matthew today, Christ brings forth two elements to the spiritual life. He speaks about the gifts we bring to the altar and our relationships with our brothers. The examples Christ draws out here, are of outward expressions of devotion on the one hand and the Christian life played out in relationships on the other. This dichotomy has a clear hierarchy. In Matthew 5:24 Christ says: “leave your gift there at the altar, go first and be reconciled with your brother, and then come and offer your gift.” We, and especially me, often consider the important things about lent, and the spiritual life generally, to be about these outward expressions of devotion. To fulfill our Lenten observations we may go to more masses, attend more adorations, or make some other kind of public demonstration of faith. These are all good and beautiful things. What Christ points us to here, however, is the importance of the other side. In what ways are we acting like a Christian?
It is not merely the walls of the church that make us Catholic, but it is the way in which something like attending church affects our social lives. To go to church is necessary. Yet, if we neglect to bring peace in our relationships with others we will hinder your spiritual growth. To express our devotion outwardly is a crucial part of our lives, and it ought to change the way we have relationships with all our brothers and sisters. No matter what we are doing to observe Lent, be sure to take some time and reflect on those we must reconcile and build peace with.