Lenten Reflections
By Br. Amadeus Cundiff, O.S.B., Professor of Philosophy
Today the Church proposes for our instruction a selection from Saint Matthew’s Gospel that sets forth Our Lord’s teaching on the Kingdom of God. On the surface, the text presents us with two peoples corresponding to two kingdoms. The wicked tenants, in some manner, desire a kingdom and goods that are of this world. Our Lord assures us that there are such men, and there is such a kingdom. In this worldly kingdom, there are enmities, rivalries, and murders: the offer of God’s kingdom is, therefore, rejected by citizens of this kingdom.
The rejected kingdom, however, is not withdrawn; rather, it is offered to a different type of people. The Kingdom of God is offered to those who will cultivate its fruit according to the will of God. The citizens of the Kingdom of God are those who seek God, not for a good of this world, but for God alone. As the parable clearly indicates, the Kingdom of God is not the result of protests, movements, or social engineering; the Kingdom of God is freely offered to those rejecting worldly means seek God and His Will. The Church offers to us these days of Lent that we may work with God in preparing ourselves for the inheritance and life of His Kingdom.